We are happy to be connected to a huge network of super-talented individuals, artists and musicians who inspire us every day. Take a look through our links section... you might just find something you like!
Poi / Staff / Juggling Community Festivals, conventions, workshops and Fun times Shops we like Music we love Other Links Special thanks to our amazing photographers! |
Poi / Staff / Juggling Community www.homeofpoi.com Online community of poi and staff dancers. Find out everything you ever wanted to know about poi and visit their great value shop.
www.playpoi.com Nick Woolsey's inspirational poi spinning site.
www.ministryofmanipulation.com A collection of the best videos, skills and performers around.
www.emeraldcircus.com Where all the Irish jugglers and spinners meet.
www.juggling.tv Fantastic juggling/spinning video resource. |
Festivals, conventions, workshops and Fun times
www.traleecircusfestival.com - Circus Festival, Tralee www.foolsfestival.com - Belfast Festival of Fools
www.feilebelfast.com - West Belfast Feile www.pigstockfestival.co.uk - Best festival in the North! www.glasgowbury.com - Small, But Massive, Festival www.willowstonefestival.com - Music Festival, Killyleagh
www.playfestival2012.co.uk - Juggling Festival, Wales
www.southernlightsfestival.co.uk - Festival in England
www.uberevents.org - Top quality workshops
www.firegathering.co.uk - Festival in England
www.secretgardenparty.com - Festival in England
www.gladefestival.com - Festival in England
www.knockengorroch.org.uk - Festival in Scotland
www.electricpicnic.ie - Festival in Ireland
www.musicfestivalsireland.ie - Irish Music Festival Directory
www.burningman.com - Festival in USA |
Shops we like
www.firetoys.co.uk - Great fire props website www.flamesngames.co.uk - Another great fire props website www.beard.co.uk - Juggling equipment website www.butterfingers.co.uk - Juggling equipment website www.globall.com - LED juggling gear www.playpoi.com - Juggling wear/gear/books
www.etsy.com - For gorgeous handmade things
www.thespinsterz.com - Fire Toys Shop
www.gora.hu - Fire Toys Shop |
Music we love www.theunderscoreorkestra.com www.spotify.com www.facebook.com/TheJahmBand
www.reverbnation.com/teamfreshni www.fastfude.org |
Other links www.fultonadvertising.com (our web designers!!!) www.indymedia.ie www.sluggerotoole.com www.theonion.com www.forteantimes.com www.greenpeace.org.uk www.starsearchentertainment.com |
Special thanks to our amazing photographers! Joe Fox Rob Hilken Neil Harrison John Harrison Michael Taylor Ronnie Moore Chris McCaffery Rory Keep Karen Rainey Brian Nathalie Courtney Rory McKinley Bill Morrison Mal McCann Ciaran McGuiggan Robin Slater Jonny Tate Emma Browne Alana Brown Stephen Aspley John McAliskey Francis Allen Tan Seng Maria Corcoran |